Vâvd colectie filatelicã compactä cu serii complete de mãrci postale datând din perioada 1950 – 1993. Mãrcile postale complecte fac parte din colectii complete însotite de polite, editii limitate Emise de Posta Românã dar si de emitenti internationali. Pretul colectiei Este de 2500 euro usor negociabil.
Telefon 0040761207686.
Email: horacio_ballint@yahoo.com (aproximativ 5000 de timbre)
I’m selling a compact philatelic collection that includes the entire series of postage stamps from 1950 to 1993. The postage stamps are part of complete collections that include policies, limited editions issued by the Romanian Post as well as international issuers. The set is priced at 2500 euro, although this can be negotiated.
Call 0040761207686.
Email address: horacio_ballint@yahoo.com
(approx. 5000 stamps)